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Meet Dr Georgia Beveridge


Dr Georgia is here to help us out while Dr Roxanne is away, travelling Asutralia for a few months!

Dr Georgia was first introduced to chiropractic care at age 9, and since then she has experienced many of its 
benefits, which inspired her to become a Chiropractor herself.

She graduated from RMIT in 2020, and has a special interest in treating families, gym goers and headaches.

Georgia tailors her management plan to the individual, using a range of techniques. These include manual and gentle adjustments, soft tissue therapy, dry needling and cupping. 

Outside of the clinic, Georgia loves spending time with her dog Yuki, going out for coffee, exercising at they gym and spending time with friends and family.


Availability with Dr Georgia

Dr Georgia is available for consultation on:

Wednesday afternoons,

Every 2nd Saturday.

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